Project Team Sisyphe


Project Team Sisyphe


Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANR project EPOQ2: Estimation PrOblems for Quantum & Quantumlike systems

Participants : Hadis Amini, Zaki Leghtas, Ram Somaraju, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Pierre Rouchon, Michel Sorine, Filippo Visco Comandini.

The project EPOQ2 is an ANR “Young researcher” project led by Mazyar Mirrahimi (Sisyphe). It has for goal to address a class of inverse problems rising from either the emerging application domain of “quantum engineering” or from some classical applications where a natural quantization lead to quantum-like systems, as it is the case in particular for inverse scattering for transmission lines. The partners of INRIA are Emmanuelle Crépeau-Jaisson (University of Versailles - Saint Quentin), Hideo Mabuchi (Stanford University), Herschel Rabitz and Ramon Van Handel (Princeton University), Pierre Rouchon (Mines de Paris). See EPOQ2 .